Sangkuriang is a legend that came from Tatar Sunda. The legend tells of the creation of the lake Bandung, Tangkuban Parahu, Mountain and Mount Hill Burangrang Tunggul.
From the legend, we can determine how long people live in the Sundanese highlands Bandung.From the legend that is supported by the facts of geology, it is estimated that the Sundanese people have been living in this land since thousands of years before Christ.
Legend of Sangkuriang originally an oral tradition. Reference written about this legend on Manik Bujangga manuscript written on palm leaves from the late 15th century or early 16th century AD. In naskha were written that Prince Prince aka Jaya Pakuan Bujangga Manik or Ameng Layaran visit sacred places of Hinduism in Java and the island of Bali in the late 15th century.
After a long journey, Bujangga Manik arrived at what is now the city of Bandung. He became an eyewitness who first wrote down the name of this place and its legends. His report is as follows:
Aing Leumpang ka baratkeun (I walked to the west)
came ka Patenggeng Hill (later came to Mount Patenggeng)
Sakakala The Kuriang (where the legend of the Kuriang)
Period deck nyitu Citarum River (Left to stem the Citarum)
Bird tembey kasiangan (but failed because of late)
Based on the legend, is told that King Sungging Perbangkara go hunting. In the middle of the forest the King threw urine deposited in caring leaves (taro forest). A female pig named Wayungyang the middle of an ascetic to become a man had to drink urine. Wayungyang pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby. Beautiful baby was taken to court by his father and named Dayang Sumbi Rarasati alias. Many of the kings who ask for her hand, but no one accepted. Finally, the king of warring among themselves. Dayang Sumbi permitaannya own any of exile in the hill accompanied by a male dog that is the Tumang. When he was busy weaving, toropong (piston) which was used to weave the cloth fell to the bottom. Dayang Sumbi feeling lazy, uttered the words without a second thought before, he promised to get anyone who had fallen when the piston-sex male, would become her husband. The piston and get Tumang given to Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi eventually gave birth to a baby boy named Sangkuriang.
When Sangkuriang hunting in the woods instructed to pursue the Tumang Wayungyang sow.Because the Tumang not think, and then killed. Heart of the Tumang by Sangkuriang given to Dayang Sumbi, then cooked and eaten. After Dayang Sumbi know that they eat is the heart of the Tumang, his anger was rising and immediately hit with Sangkuriang HEAD susuk made from coconut shell so that the wounds.
Sangkuriang go wandering around the world. After a long walk toward EAST finally arrived in the WEST again and unconsciously has arrived back in place Dayang Sumbi, where his mother was. Sangkuriang not know that the beautiful princess who was found Dayang Sumbi - his mother. Terjalinlah story of love between two beings that. Dayang Sumbi accidentally discovered that Sangkuriang is his son, with a wound in his head. However Sangkuriang still forced to marry her. Dayang Sumbi requested that Sangkuriang make boat and pond (lake) in a single night with Citarum river dam. Sangkuriang menyanggupinya.
Then the boat was made from a tree that grows in the east, stump / main tree turned into a mountain ukit Embankment. Stacked branches on the west and becoming Mount Burangrang.With the help of guriang, the dam was almost completed. But Dayang Sumbi beg to Sang Hyang Tunggal to mean Sangkuriang not materialize. Dayang Sumbi boeh rarang spread slices (white cloth weaving results), when it did dawn was breaking on the eastern horizon.Sangkuriang became upset, anger dipuncak, dams located in Trance Tikoro dijebolnya, cork tossed Citarum river basin to the east and became Mount Manglayang. Water Talaga Bandung became ebb back. Working with boats struggled kicked to the north and transformed into Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang Dayang Sumbi pursued a sudden disappeared in Gunung Putri and turned into a bunch of Unga jaksi. The Sangkuriang after arriving at a place called the Edge Berung finally disappeared into the spirit world (ngahiyang).
Conformity with the geological facts
Legend of Sangkuriang accordance with geological facts and the creation of the lake Bandung Tangkuban Parahu. [1]
Recent geological studies indicate that the remnants of an ancient lake was 125 thousand years old. The lake dried up 16,000 years ago.
Have been two ancient Sunda eruption type Plinian eruption 105,000 each and 55000-50000 years ago. Second Plinian eruption had broken the ancient caldera of Mount Sunda thereby creating Tangkuban Parahu, Mount Burangrang (also known as Mount Sunda), and Mount Hill Tunggul.
It is very possible that people have occupied the ancient Sundanese highlands Bandung and watched the second Plinian eruption that swept the settlement west of the river Citarum (north and northwest Mumbai) during the period of eruption at 55000-50000 years ago when Parahu Tangkuban created from the remnants Sundanese ancient mountain. This period is a time homo sapiens; they have been identified living in southern Australia at 62,000 years ago, during the Java Man (Wajak) about 50,000 years ago.
Sangkuriang and Philosophy Sunda
According to Surya or ang ang Suryalaga Hidayat, former Rector of Bandung Itenas, legends or sasakala Sangkuriang intended as light illumination (Sungging Perbangkara) for any human (cariang plants) are still doubtful of the existence of himself and wanted to find identity of humanity (Wayungyang). The results of this search will give birth to your heart (conscience) as the real truth (Dayang Sumbi, Rarasati). But if not accompanied with caution and full awareness / eling (binoculars), then he will be ruled and by a sense of indecision digagahi a constant (digagahi the Tumang) which will bear egos are selfish, that is not yet enlightened soul (Sangkuriang ). When The Conscience beaten again by kewaswasan (Dayang Sumbi Tumang eat the liver) then lose consciousness essential. Experienced a sense of regret that the Conscience acted with arrogance hit ratio of the ego (head Sangkuriang beaten). Arrogance also affecting "The Ego Ratio" to stay away and leave the conscience. The arrogance of ego turns out that fatigue ratio-weary seeking knowledge (intellectual intelligence) during the wanderings in the world (heading east). On returning to the west ahirnya that consciously or unconsciously always be sought and that he missed the Conscience (Sangkuriang meeting with Dayang Sumbi).
However the union was between the Ego Ratio (Sangkuriang) by the enlightened conscience (Dayang Sumbi), not as easy as expected. Armed with that knowledge already mastered the Ego Ratio (Sangkuriang) should be able to create a social life based on love, interdependency - compassion-teaser reparation and penance humanist foster harmony, which is a pool of social life (making Talaga Bandung) who inhabited the various collection people with a wide range of temper (Citarum). Meanwhile, the integrity of his identity must be formed also by the ratio of the ego itself (making the boat). The existence of Ego ratio that was not separated from the history itself, have become the main origin (Hill Tunggul, sajaratun tree) since the beginning of existence (east, where the initial rise of life). The Ego ratio must also indicate the existence of himself (tutunggul, penada himself) and eventually she will have offspring that manifest in a society that will datangd and a time to swallow it all ends of a pile of bones (mountain Burangrang).
What a pathetic, if it hopes for the unification of the ego with the ratio of the enlightened conscience (almost happened with Dayang Sangkuriang marriage Sumbi), failed because the trigger point of attending the final, end of life contained in the body (boeh rarang or shroud).Finally twist of fate that had befallen the ego ratio was feeling sorry and a very, very angry with "him". Then he kicked her selfishness ratio, be a transcendental human pile face down lamenting her misfortune (Mount Tangkubanparahu).
However because of the ego ratio still felt curious, kept the conscience pursued the enlightened desire itself (Dayang Sumbi), hoping to yield unity between the ego with the ratio of Conscience.But it was the enlightened conscience appeared only witness to the behavior that never happened and experienced the Ego Ratio (Jaksi interest).
End of the story when the end comes awareness presumption ratio (Ujungberung). With the same awareness, and threw the cork removed arrogance dominance ratio (mountain Manglayang). So now it opens channels of polite communication process with anyone (Trance Tikoro or throat; B. Sunda: Hade fried my way my way). And closely guarded food right into his mouth to keep it clean lawful and beneficial. (Trance Tikoro = esophagus, genggerong).
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